貴重な体験 (precious experience)


On February 14th and 15th Rodrigo “Minotauro” Nogueira came to Mugenjuku (he is a famous MMA fighter. He has fought in the PRIDE Grand Prix and is a former world champion).

A TV crew filmed Mr. Nogueira learning Aikido with Payet Sensei at Marutamachi Dojo on 14th and at the Kyoto Butokuten on 15th.

This was for an American TV program called the 3rd Degree which will be broadcast around the world. The show will introduce Aikido and show us training.

Mr. Nogueira is a fantastic man. He had a kind smile and made the effort
to shake hands with all of us. It was an exciting experience.

I had a really good time.



撮影はアメリカのテレビ番組の企画(タイトルは「The 3rd Degree」です。世界中での放映が予定されています)で合気道の紹介と稽古風景の撮影が有りました。


